A Database Query Language (Django gateway)

HTSQL-DJANGO Ranking & Summary


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  • AGPL v3
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Clark C. Evans and Kirill Simonov; Prometheus Research, LLC
  • Publisher web site:


HTSQL-DJANGO Description

HTSQL-DJANGO is a comprehensive navigational query language for relational databases. This package contains a Django application that provides a gateway to HTSQL service.This is an experimental package. The usage, API, and security assumptions may change in future releases.For more information on HTSQL, please see: The HTSQL homepage The source package for HTSQLInstallation and UsageThis package allows you to use HTSQL in your Django projects. To install it, run:# pip install HTSQL-DJANGOThis command installs HTSQL itself and a Django gateway. Out of the box, HTSQL works with SQLite databases. To run HTSQL on top of other database servers, install additional database backends:# pip install HTSQL-PGSQL# pip install HTSQL-MYSQLTo use HTSQL in your Django project, open and add 'htsql_django' to the list of installed applications:INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'htsql_django',)When used in a Django project, HTSQL service is automatically configured to serve on the default Django database. You could provide additional configuration options using parameter HTSQL_CONFIG. For instance, a reasonable configuration could be:HTSQL_CONFIG = { # Set query timeout in seconds (currently, PostgreSQL only). 'tweak.timeout': { 'timeout': 600 }, # Set the maximum number of output rows. 'tweak.autolimit': { 'limit': 10000 }, # Enable the web-based query editor. '': {}, # Enable meta-data queries. 'tweak.meta': {},}Next, add the gateway to the URL dispatcher. Open and add the following line:urlpatterns = patterns('', # ... url(r'^htsql/', include('htsql_django.urls')),)This will forward HTTP requests starting from /htsql/ to the HTSQL service. The gateway is available only to authenticated users.You could also make HTSQL queries from Python code. For example, to calculate the total number of votes per poll in the Django tutorial project, run:>>> from htsql_django import produce>>>>>> query = "/polls_poll{question, total:=sum(polls_choice.votes)}">>> for row in produce(query):... print "%s: %s" % (row.question,'s up?: 6Product's homepage

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