
MPy3 is a full-featured, modular, configurable MP3 player system aimed at jukeboxes or car MP3 systems.

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  • GPL
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • ben wilson
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MPy3 Description

MPy3 is a full-featured, modular, configurable MP3 player system aimed at jukeboxes or car MP3 systems. MPy3 is a full-featured, modular, configurable MP3 player system aimed at jukeboxes or car MP3 systems.It can play MP3s via rxaudio or mpg123, take input from a keyboard (tty), LIRC, or joystick or another serial or parallel input device.Requirements:· Python 2.0 or greater ( I know it works with Python 2.0, and that is what I develop on, and there isn't any 2.0 functionality I use with it, so you shouldn't· have any problems, though your mileage may vary.· · rxaudio ( xaudio is an MP3 player, and rxaudio is the text interface to xaudio. mpg123 ( be used, but there isn't a mainstream text-interface hack for it yet. tk3play ( a tk-interface to mpg123 compiles (or attempts to, anyway) 'mpg123m', a text interface to mpg123. However, i have yet to get it to compile correctly. Newer distributions of mpg123 come with a small text file mentioning this hack, and even includes a python script to control it, but I haven't put much faith into it. Get the mpg123 source, it's the file in the 'tools' directory called 'interface-phython'.· · My development system is a Pentium-100 with 32 megs of RAM, and rxaudio runs just fine on it. You shouldn't have any problems.What's New in This Release:· threading! plenty of it. no more lag on keypress· playlisting. recursive, selective, etc. very cool. · if you are in any state other than "play", then after a defined number of seconds, it revertsback to state_play, like a REAL cd player. shocking!· removed "global" keys, with the exception of the shutdown, menu, and help keys. combined with the "return to state_play" functionality, this should still be okay. · various updates to mpy3.conf· default key mapping is for the number pad. should work well in most cases, especially for people using numeric remote controls· MPy3 now respects the display_type config option. either lcdemu or crystalfontz at the moment.· · updates to (renamed from· upon load of pyplaylist, all songs under the directory are added to a "master list" then the "playlist" references indexes in the "master list". this way, scanning of the drive is kept to a minimum. · making new playlists are handled now note the add_to_templist functions, etc.· updates to faster retrieval of information. check out the threading in -- this makes the updates very fast. also tweaked the statement to make it a non-blocking poll.· · updates to (previously ensconsed within· faster retrieval of information, non-blocking poll, etc.· again, check the threading in -- quick like wind!· · added · initial addition of the emulator· · updates to· blankline() added - allows for a blank line to be written to the LCD· because the line() function strips off spaces

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