
A "Template Engine", it would be more accurately described as a "Template/Presentation Framework."

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A "Template Engine", it would be more accurately described as a "Template/Presentation Framework." Smarty is not actually a "Template Engine", it would be more accurately described as a "Template/Presentation Framework." That is, it provides the programmer and template designer with a wealth of tools to automate tasks commonly dealt with at the presentation layer of an application. I stress the word Framework because Smarty is not a simple tag-replacing template engine. Although it can be used for such a simple purpose, its focus is on quick and painless development and deployment of your application, while maintaining high-performance, scalability, security and future growth.So is Smarty right for you? What it comes down to is using the right tool for the job. If you want simple variable replacement, you might want to look at something simpler or even roll your own. If you want a robust templating framework with numerous tools to assist you as your application evolves into the future, Smarty is likely a good choice.Why use it?One of Smartys primary design goals is to facilitate the separation of application code from presentation. Typically, the application code contains the business logic of your application, written and maintained in PHP code. This code is maintained by programmers. The presentation is the way your content is presented to the end user, which is written and maintained in template files. The templates are maintained by template designers.At its most basic function, the application code collects content, assigns it to the template engine and displays it. The content might be something like the headline, tagline, author and body of a newspaper article. The application code has no concern how this content will be presented in the template. The template designer is responsible for the presentation. They edit the template files, adding markup and bringing it to completion. This typically involves things like HTML tags, cascading style sheets and other tools provided by the template engine.This paradigm serves several purposes:) Designers can't break application code. They can mess with the templates all they want, but the code stays intact. The code will be tighter, more secure and easier to maintain.) Errors in the templates are confined to the Smartys error handling routines, making them as simple and intuitive as possible for the designer.) With presentation on its own layer, designers can modify or completely redesign it from scratch, all without intervention from the programmer.) Programmers aren't messing with templates. They can go about maintaining the application code, changing the way content is acquired, making new business rules, etc. without disturbing the presentation layer.) Templates are a close representation of what the final output will be, which is an intuitive approach. Designers don't care how the content got to the template. If you have extraneous data in the template such as an SQL statement, this opens the risk of breaking application code by accidental deletion or alteration by the designer.) You are not opening your server to the execution of arbitrary PHP code. Smarty has many security features built in so designers won't breach security, whether intentional or accidental. They can only do what they are confined to in the templates.Although application code is separated from presentation, this does not necessarily mean that logic is separated. The application code obviously has logic, but the templates may have logic based on the condition that it is for presentation only. For example, if the designer wants to alternate table row colors or upper-case some assigned content, they can. This is presentation logic, something the programmer should not be concerned with. How often have you had some presentation displayed in a single column and then you wanted it in two or three columns, so the application code needs adjusting to accommodate this? A better approach is to assign the content in one single array and let the template handle the presentation. This will simplify your application and keep your templates flexible. Smarty supplies the tools to handle this kind of situation.This doesn't mean that Smarty prevents you from putting application logic in the template, you have to have a bit of self discipline. Here is an example of embedding business logic in the template (that's right, avoid doing this if at all possible):{if $smarty.session.user and ( $user_type eq "editor" or $user_type eq "admin" )}< input type=checkbox name=edit value="y" > edit < br >{/if}The logic checks if the user is logged in and they are either an editor or administrator, then they are allowed to edit this so the edit checkbox shows up. That is logic that belongs in the application code. The template doesn't care about what credentials this user has, it just needs to know if the edit box is displayed or not! So let's look at a more suitable approach:{if $edit_flag}< input type=checkbox name=edit value="y" > edit < br >{/if}It is up to the application programmer to assign the $edit_flag, a simple and easy-to-understand variable in the template. This way the template is no longer relying on your underlying data structure. If the format of the session data structure ever changes, nothing needs to be adjusted in the template.Now lets look at a few things you can do with Smarty. One thing it can do is custom functions. These are tags in the template that execute a certain task. Example:{html_image file="masthead.gif"}Here we have a function called "html_image". This function takes the image given in the "file" attribute and does all the work necessary to come up with the following HTML code:< img src="masthead.gif" border="0" height="48" width="256" >The image function did the chore of figuring out the height and width and supplying the default border flag. Of course you could just use the static HTML tag in the template instead, but this demonstrates how a custom function can be utilized to simplify a very common task. The designer can focus on design and less on the technical stuff. Furthermore, if the designer decides to drop in a different size masthead image, the template does not need adjusting.html_image is a function that comes with Smarty. You can also make your own custom functions. Here's another example of what one might look like:{html_link type="article" id="abc123" text="Fire takes out Hotel"}This is using a custom function called "html_link". It comes up with the following HTML code:< a href="/display_article.php?id=abc123" >Fire takes out Hotel< /a >What does this accomplish? For one, the designer does not need to be concerned with the format of a URL to an article. With hard-coded URLs, what happens if one day the programmer decides to clean things up, and changes the URL syntax from /display_article.php?id=abc123 to /ART/abc123 ? We would have to edit every template with an article URL. This is just another example of how a template function can make templates easier to maintain.Now for a bit on programmers and templates. Earlier it was mentioned that the programmer has no care for what the templates do with the content. At a conceptual level this is true, but in the real world you are not going to expect the template designer to have to construct all the templates out of thin air. After all, the business logic does determine what content is assigned to the templates. So, the programmer will typically setup skeleton templates for the designer to start with. This usually contains the raw elements such as content variables and section loops, and maybe a few simple markup tags so they don't start with the content in a big mess. Here is an example of a skeleton template that loops through a list of articles and displays them in a table:< table >{section name=art loop=$article}< tr >< td >{$article.headline}< td >< td >{$}< td >< td >{$}< td >< /tr >{/section}< /table >The output may look something like this:< table >< tr >< td >How the west was won< td >< td >Dec 2, 1999< td >< td >John Wayne< td >< /tr >< tr >< td >Team loses, Coach quits< td >< td >Feb 2, 2002< td >< td >John Smith< td >< /tr >< tr >< td >Gourmet Cooking< td >< td >Jan 23, 1954< td >< td >Betty Crocker< td >< /tr >< /table >Now for some common questions:Why use templates at all? What is so tough about writing < ? echo $title; ? > instead of {$title}?Making things easier to read wasn't a design goal, but more of a side effect. Using templates has huge benefits, many of which have been explained above. Since we are in a template environment anyways, {$title} is less extraneous than < ?php echo $title; ? >, especially when you start looking at it in long pages of content, so it was pretty evident that a simpler syntax helps to make templates easier to read and maintain.Template take time to parse, making applications much slower.That may be true in some cases, but with Smarty it is no slower than executing a PHP script. On the first execution of a template, Smarty converts the template files into PHP scripts (called template compiling.) Thereafter, the PHP script is just included. Couple this with a PHP accelerator and you truly have a fast templating environment with minimal overhead.Smarty is too complicated, how can it be that fast?Smarty's core is pretty lean considering what it is capable of. Most of its functionality lies in plugins. The plugin architecture is designed so that only the required plugins are loaded on demand. With this framework, adding even hundreds of new plugins will not affect performance. This makes Smarty fast, scalable and flexible.Smarty also has caching features that can dynamically refresh and keep portions of the page uncached at your liking. Caching stores the output of the compiled templates, saving the need to execute them on each invocation.All this talk about accelerators, how does Smarty run without one?Actually it runs pretty well without one. Smarty does not require an accelerator, but the template files themselves will take advantage of one, something that is unique to Smarty (AFAIK). If you don't have an accelerator, template execution isn't as fast but not slow by any means since they aren't parsed! You also retain all the other benefits and features of Smarty. Also, since accelerators are freely available there isn't really an excuse to not be using one. They'll help performance with all PHP apps, using Smarty or not.How can it be easier to maintain?Some things can't be explained, but only experienced. The benefit of separation of the application logic from the presentation cannot be stressed enough. Smarty also has some nice error handling features and a built-in debugging console so you can see the template heirarchy and assigned variables at a glance. Adding custom features to Smarty is as easy as dropping them in the plugin directory and mentioning them in the template.The template tags are not XML based, My editor doesn't like it.The {} delimiters are just a default, they are easy to discern among HTML tags. If you don't like them, change your delimiters to or maybe something more XMLish like There are also lots of user contributions for dreamweaver and the like, give them a look in the contribs area.That's Smarty in a nutshell, hopefully you can add it to your arsenal of tools for web application building. To really learn more, read the manual top to bottom, join the forums and see what people are discussing. Here are some key features of "Smarty": · Caching: Smarty provides fine-grained caching features for caching all or parts of a rendered web page, or leaving parts uncached. Programmers can register template functions as cacheable or non-cachable, group cached pages into logical units for easier management, etc. · Configuration Files: Smarty can assign variables pulled from configuration files. Template designers can maintain values common to several templates in one location without intervention from the programmer, and config variables can easily be shared between the programming and presentation portions of the application. · Security: Templates do not contain PHP code. Therefore, a template designer is not unleashed with the full power of PHP, but only the subset of functionality made available to them from the programmer (application code.) · Easy to Use and Maintain: Web page designers are not dealing with PHP code syntax, but instead an easy-to-use templating syntax not much different than plain HTML. The templates are a very close representation of the final output, dramatically shortening the design cycle. · Variable Modifiers: The content of assigned variables can easily be adjusted at display-time with modifiers, such as displaying in all upper-case, html-escaped, formatting dates, truncating text blocks, adding spaces between characters, etc. Again, this is accomplished with no intervention from the programmer. · Template Functions: Many functions are available to the template designer to handle tasks such as generating HTML code segments (dropdowns, tables, pop-ups, etc.), displaying content from other templates in-line, looping over arrays of content, formatting text for e-mail output, cycling though colors, etc. · Filters: The programmer has complete control of template output and compiled template content with pre-filters, post-filters and output-filters. · Resources: Templates can be pulled from any number of sources by creating new resource handlers, then using them in the templates. · Plugins: Almost every aspect of Smarty is controlled through the use of plugins. They are generally as easy as dropping them into the plugin directory and then mentioning them in the template or using them in the application code. Many user-community contributions are also available. (See the plugins section of the forum and wiki.) · Add-ons: Many user-community contributed Add-ons are available such as Pagination, Form Validation, Drop Down Menus, Calander Date Pickers, etc. These tools help speed up the development cycle, there is no need to re-invent the wheel or debug code that is already stable and ready for deployment. (see the Add-ons section of the forum and wiki.) · Debugging: Smarty comes with a built-in debugging console so the template designer can see all of the assigned variables and the programmer can investigate template rendering speeds. · Compiling: Smarty compiles templates into PHP code behind the scenes, eliminating run-time parsing of templates. · Performance: Smarty performs extremely well, despite its vast feature set. Most of Smarty's capabilities lie in plugins that are loaded on-demand. Smarty comes with numerous presentation tools, minimizing your application code and resulting in quicker, less error-prone application development/deployment. Smarty templates get compiled to PHP files internally (once), eliminating costly template file scans and leveraging the speed of PHP op-code accelerators. What's New in This Release: · revert super global access changes, and instead rely on USE_SUPER_GLOBALS for security

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