
Out-of-band processing for sorl-thumbnail thumbnails

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  • BSD License
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  • Bolster Labs, Inc
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sorl-url Tags

sorl-url Description

sorl-url is an out-of-band processing for sorl-thumbnail thumbnails.Installation & SetupInstallationInstallation is as easy as pip install sorl-url though the latest version is always available on GitHub.Setup1. Add sorl-url to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS.2. Add url(r'^thumbnails/', include('sorl_url.urls')) to your URL configuration.3. Configure your defaults (see Usage below).You can read more about sorl-thumbnail, its requirements and how it is installed and configured at Read the Docs.UsageThe core workflow is built around usage through a template tag named image_url in the sorl_url template tag library.sorl_url does not serve images directly. It generates them as sorl-thumbnail would (storing them in a cache via settings.THUMBNAIL_STORAGE) and then redirects to the URL of the generated image.Template TagsThe primary invocation of sorl_url is through the image_url template tag, which uses the following basic syntax:{% image_url SOURCE FIELD_NAME GEOMETRY %}or:{% image_url SOURCE FIELD_NAME GEOMETRY as VAR %} The image URL is {{ VAR }}.{% empty %} This block is optional.{% endimage_url}An example invocation might be:< % load image_url % >< img src='{% image_url user.get_profile "avatar" "50x50" %}' alt="{{ user.get_full_name }}" / >Which might render as (linebreaks added):< img src='/media/profiles/avatar/username.png?config=eyJnZW9tZXRyeSI6IjUwe DUwIiwib3B0aW9ucyI6eyJjcm9wIjoiY2VudGVyIn19:1SiodC:_wL4eWd9crnlF X8VJFXgBJdISEQ' alt="Jane Doe" / >For a complete list of available options, please consult the documentation for sorl-thumbnail's thumbnail template tag.URL Structuresorl-url generates URLs of the form: /prefix/MODEL_NAME/FIELD_NAME/KEY.ext?config=OPTIONSprefix is dictated by the location at which the sorl-url views are included in the URLConfOPTIONS is a configuration including the size and other options signed and obfuscated by the django.core.signing module described in URL Arguments below.Note: the config query string argument is mandatory. Failure to provide a config will result in a 404.URL ArgumentsImage options are passed via the config query string argument. The values are obfuscated but not enscrypted. They are serialized, compressed and signed by django.core.signing.Default options specified in SORL_URL_CONFIG and other sorl settings are not included in the query string. However, the signature is salted with a variety of attributes, including the underlying filename and a hash of all relevant settings to ensure that as underlying attributes and settings are updated, the URL will change as well. Note that this means that a change to SORL_URL_CONFIG, for example, will result in all URLs being updated. This may or may not result in new images being generated by sorl (depending on what has been changed).Debugging: To easily see what arguments are being passed for rendering, simply set settings.THUMBNAIL_DEBUG to True and append &echo=True to any generated URL to see what options are being passed.Configuring SettingsThe available options and defaults are controlled by the SORL_URL_CONFIG setting.SORL_URL_CONFIG must be a dictionary-like object with keys corresponding to the MODEL_NAME URL component and a dictionary-like value representing the model configuration.Additionally SORL_URL_PERMANENT_REDIRECT (default: False) can be used to control the type of redirect that is used.Model ConfigurationEach model configuration offers the following options:- model: either a model class or the Django-style dotted name (app_label.ModelName) (required)- fields: a list of the attributes on model that should be exposed by this configuration; alternatively a 2-tuple of the format (attr_name, options) where options is a dictionary containing default to be passed to the sorl backend's get_thumbnail method (required)- backend: the sorl backend, as a string representing the module path, to be used (optional; defaults to ``sorl.thumbnail.default.backend``)- key_field: the field to be used in object lookups for the key portion of the URL (optional; defaults to ``id``)- key_filter: a transformation function to be applied to the key URL component to ensure it is properly prepared for the ORM (optional; defaults to ``lambda x: int(x)``)- options: a dictionary containing default options to be passed to the sorl backend's get_thumbnail method. Individual fields may override these options. (optional; defaults to ``{}``)Configuration ExamplesA minimal configuration might look like:SORL_URL_CONFIG = { 'profiles': { 'model': 'profiles.Profile', 'fields': , }}The above configuration would mean that the following URL would be valid: /prefix/profiles/avatar/1.png?config=CONFIGA more advanced configuration might look like:SORL_URL_CONFIG = { 'profiles': { 'model': 'profiles.Profile', 'fields': , 'key_field': 'user__username', 'key_filter': None # The default is lambda x: int(x), # but None implies a no-op (lambda x: x) }}The above configuration would mean that the following URLs would be exposed:- /prefix/profiles/avatar/1.png?config=CONFIG- /prefix/profiles/background/1.jpg?config=CONFIGProduct's homepage

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