
Creates an object that holds a DBI connection to a database

DBI::BabyConnect Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Bassem W. Jamaleddine
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~maxou/

DBI::BabyConnect Tags

DBI::BabyConnect Description

Creates an object that holds a DBI connection to a database DBI::BabyConnect is the base class for all DBI connection objects instantiated by the DBI::BabyConnect module. A DBI::BabyConnect instance is an object that holds the database handler attributes and an active DBI connection handle to a specific database. The current module support many drivers that can be loaded by the DBD, but it has been tested using the DBD::MySQL, with a limited testing using DBD::Oracle driver and the DBD::ODBC driver.The class enclude the fundamental methods to insert, update, and get data from the database, and it hides the complexity of the many DBI methods that are required otherwise to be programmed by yourself. Programmers do not need to do binding of data or use the may form of fetch methods. The methods should work for any database, and currently they have been tested with MySQL and Oracle.SYNOPSIS use DBI::BabyConnect; # get a DBI::BabyConnect object to access the database as described by # the database descriptor BABYDB_001 my $bbconn = DBI::BabyConnect->new('BABYDB_001'); # direct all STDERR to be appended to /tmp/error.log $bbconn->HookError(">>/tmp/error.log"); # append trace information to /tmp/db.log and print DBI::trace set to level 1 $bbconn->HookTracing(">>/tmp/db.log",1); # create the table TABLE1 based on the schema coded in TEST_TABLE.mysql, if # table TABLE1 is found, then drop it first then recreate it $bbconn->recreateTable('TEST_TABLE.mysql','TABLE1'); my $sql = qq{ INSERT INTO TABLE1 (DATASTRING,DATANUM,IMAGE,RECORDDATE_T) VALUES (?,?,?,SYSDATE()) }; $bbconn-> sqlbnd($sql,$dataStr,1000,$imgGif); Requirements: · Perl

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