
Simple Pagination Decorator for Django

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  • BSD License
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  • Paul Bailey
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django-next-please Description

django-next-please is a Django app that provides a simple decorator to add to TemplateRepsonse views to provide pagination.Django-Next-Please is easier to setup than Django-Paginagtion and helps you to avoid those ugly class based views.Installationpip install Django-Next-PleaseUsageIn your view:from NextPlease import pagination@pagination('latest_news')def topic_front (request, slug): topic = get_object_or_404(Topic, slug=slug) c = { 'topic': topic, 'latest_news': NewsItem.published.filter(topics__topic=topic), } return TemplateResponse(request, 'taxo/topic_front.html', c)In your template:< ul > {% for n in paginator.current_list %} < li >{{ n.headline }}< /li > {% endfor %}< /ul >< div > {% if paginator.has_previous %}< a href="?{{ paginator.previous_qs }}" >< Previous< /a > | {% endif %} Page {{ paginator.number }} {% if paginator.has_next %} | < a href="?{{ paginator.next_qs }}" >Next >< /a >{% endif %}< /div >Optionspagination( object_list_var, per_page=PER_PAGE, page_param='page', output_var='paginator', orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True)Required:object_list_var: Context variable name that contains the data to be paginated.Optional:per_page: Defaults to 10, override globally with settings.PER_PAGEpage_param: Defaults to page, the request query string parameter used to determine the current page.output_var: Defaults to paginator, context variable the pagination will be in.orphans: See See InfoDjango Next Please is based off the Django Paginator Class. The Next Please paginator class adds the following methods.def current (self)Returns the current page object.def current_list (self)Returns an object list for the current page.def number (self):Returns the current page number.def has_previous (self)Returns True if the current page has a page before it.def has_next (self)Returns True if the current page has a page after it.def previous_qs (self)Returns a query string for the previous page.def next_qs (self)Returns a query string for the next page.Product's homepage

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