
A more convenient and succinct way of expressing state machines in Python

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  • Will Haldean Brown
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pytomaton Description

Often, a state machine is a convenient way to implement a stateful protocol, but they often involve a lot of messy boilerplate for managing how you transition from one state to the next, or what exactly happens when you enter a state. pytomaton was created to reduce this boilerplate code.Just as in a theoretical automaton, a `pytomaton.statemachine` has a list of states, a start state. At any given time, a state machine is in one single state. The programmer can invoke `statemachine.transition(new_state_name)` to transition to a new state; when this happens, the state machine checks to see if there are any actions which are triggered by this transition. Currently, actions can be triggered by entering a specific state (`on_enter`), or by transitioning from one specific state to another (`on_transition`). Methods are decorated as being triggered by transitions, as shown in the example below.Example from pytomaton import statemachine, on_transition, on_enter class ConnectionMachine(statemachine): states = start_state = 'waiting_for_connection' def on_connect(self): self.transition('waiting_for_ready') @on_transition('waiting_for_connection', 'waiting_for_ready') def send_ready_prompt(self): self.broadcast('are you ready?') def receive_ready_confirm(self): if self.all_ready(): self.transition('all_ready') @on_enter('all_ready') def send_all_ready(self): self.broadcast('everyone is ready!')In this example, we define a `ConnectionMachine` that has three states. It starts in the `waiting_for_connection` state. When a user connects, in transitions to the `waiting_for_ready` state, which triggers a call to `send_ready_prompt`. When a user confirms that they're ready, we transition to the `on_ready` state, which triggers a call to `send_all_ready`.Product's homepage

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