
Cross platform open source toolkit for creative coding in C++

openFrameworks Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • MIT License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • OF Team
  • Publisher web site:
  • Operating Systems:
  • Mac OS X 10.5 or later
  • File Size:
  • 24.2 MB

openFrameworks Tags

openFrameworks Description

Cross platform open source toolkit for creative coding in C++ openFrameworks is an open source C++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation.The openFrameworks library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image input and output, quicktime for video playing and sequence grabbing.The code is written to be both cross platform (PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone) and cross compiler. Simply put, openFrameworks is a tool that makes it much easier to make things via code. We find it super useful, and we hope you do too.Detailed installation instructions can be found here.NOTE: The FAT versions contain several addons ready to go, plus addon examples. These addons aren’t part of the core OF codebase, but contain advanced functionality like opencv, vector output, OSC, network communication, vector math and more. Requirements: · Xcode 2.4.1 or later What's New in This Release: major changes: · In this release we've moved to a *compiled* openframeworks library as opposed to un-compiled. a few motivations: cutting down on directory size of OF, reducing redundant compiles, making compile times faster and making development of OF easier. This changes quite a bit the organization of projects but it should lead to a much easier to use and maintain OF. · we've moved from svn to git github, and now have an automated system of building the OF package. This should also greatly ease our development of openframeworks. Before we had separate SVNs for the OF lib, the OF examples, and the core addons. Now, we've got one major place where changes and development of OF can be tracked. see · To encourage faster releases, we've moved to a major minor release schedule, with minor releases (0.061, 0.062) relating to bug fixes and major releases (0.07, 0.08) relating to major features. core: · folder structure is now changed so that all ide/packages can share one directory structure. Download the 0.061 all release to check it out. · core addons now don't have libs from other platforms · core addons now don't have example project in the addons folder · core FreeImage.h -> move BOOL typedefs etc to #defines and do #undef at the end · Put MIT license in OF headers OSX: · xcode has snow leopard fixes, and an SL release · xcode projects are now renamed to have the folder name (ie, every project has a unique target name) · xcode apps now have max optimization settings for release. · xcode now has 3 build modes, Debug, Release, Release Universal. Debug and Release are for your current platform (either intel or PPC), Release Universal is for both. · renamed libs: change all libSomething.a to be something.a: this prevents xcode linking to root level dynamic libraries. Win32 CodeBlocks: · added Poco linker flag for CB: needed for some network calls · fixed Poco linking order on win32. linux: · changed the linux default videograbber to gstreamer · remove ofV4lUtils · smarter makefiles · modified install scripts to fix karmic problems & build OF compile on install examples: · fixed missing files, missing calls to windowResized, removed unnecessary calls to ofSetupSCreen() and include stdio. app: · Fullscreen on OS X is not top level anymore (no more crazy fullscreen app crashes and can't escape). · OSX now using custom GLUT framework · ofSetBackgroundAuto(false) on windows OF now works for accumulation in both windowed and fullscreen mode. · Windows FPS issues have been fixed. · closing the window on PC now exits the application properly. · ofAppGlutWindow: frameRate is now set to 60.0 at the start: before it was un-initialized. · ofGetLastFrameTime: to get the elapsed time of the last frame. · fixes for ofGetWidth() & ofGetHeight() being super slow, we now store them in vars and change on windowResize · ofGetAppPtr(), returns a pointer to the baseApp. · glutInitDisplayString option for initializing glut with a unique string, useful for FSAA or altering the setup. · fixed vertical sync for linux: · ofBaseVideo added isFrameNew() utils: · ofxNoise ofxSignedNoise: Added simplex ( similar to perlin ) noise to core · ofBaseHasTexture now has ofSetUseTexture ( to enable disable use of the texture ) · ofBaseImage and ofBaseVideo have the same inheritance base · ofMap: now has a clamp argument, defaults to false · ofMap: added kyle's solution for division by 0 in ofMap: · detect C:as a root path in ofToDataPath · fixed ofPoint warnings events: · fixed vs2008 intellisense doesn't like using Poco::delegate; in ofEventUtils: graphics: · ofImage: Loading a corrupted image in linux made the app crash, fixed now. · ofImage setImageType now should properly alter the texture if we need to. · ofTexture: get texPoint texPercent, should help for doing texCoordinate stuff without knowing the target of the texture (ie, RECTANGLE_2D or ARB) · ofTexture: setTextureWrap & setMinMagFilters · ofTexture: ofTexture float *, char *, short * -added ability to make floating point textures, or upload float data. · ofTrueTypeFont: fixed TTF mem leak: · ofImage fixed resize color bug · ofImage inline functions cause problems with inhereited classes that want to use them in CB. Switch inline -> static fixes this issue. · ofGraphics: numCirclePts was being stored on ofPushStyle but not used, fixed now. · ofTrueTypeFont: Xcode projects now use the same version of the freetype as win/linux · ofSetCurveResolution: makes curved shapes a lot faster! · setAnchorPoint: move arguments from int to float communication: · merged ofStandardFirmata into ofArduino, and removed ofStandardFirmata files from all projects. · fixed Linux serial issues with device number. · fixed firmata connect inconsistency: · serial enumerateDevices is doing ofLog so not always printing out: · fix for ofArduino: video: · add setFrameRate for ofVideoGrabber · update the quicktime settings dialog so that PS3 eye panel shows up. · ofVideoPlayer and ofVideoGrabber on OS X Intel now using k24RGBPixelFormat: this has a huge speed improvement. · ofVideoGrabber on mac seems to not list devices unless log level is verbose · ofVideoPlayer uninitialized bool · ofVideoPlayer: pause delay · ofUCUtils: PIX_FMT_YUV422 won't exist anymore on future ffmpeg versions · ofUCUtils: sws_getContext needs PixFmt as parameter instead of int since karmic sound: · updated ofSoundStream to use rtAudio 4 · Add a ofSoundPlayerUpdate call: for keeping fmod on track: should be called once per frame to make sure sounds don't drop out. addons: · ofxXmlSettings fixed a printf(tag.c_str()) that xcode complained about · ofxXmlSettings memory leak · ofxXmlSettings read attributes · ofxXmlSettings read from string save to string ofxVectorGraphics: · Update to CreEPS 2.0: has MIT license and new features. ofxOpenCv: · ofxCvColorImage: convertToPlanarImage(...) for one channel (ie, grabbing just sautration) · ofxCvShortImage: fixed assignment operators · ofxCvGrayscaleImage: add brightness contrast to grayscale image · ofxCvContourFinder converts centroid to ints · ofxOpenCv: fixed grayscale to planar planar to grayscale conversions · ofxOpenCv: remove implicit ROI intersection · ofxCvImage: re-added drawBlobIntoMe() for painting a blob into an ofxCvImage · ofxOpenCv: added appropriate iphone #ifdefs · ofxOpenCv: do quicker copy for getPixels and setPixels when image is memory alligned already. · ofxOpenCv scale conversions for floatImage · ofxOpenCv swapTemp bug ofxOsc: · ofxOsc: shutdown leak · ofxOsc: memory leak · ofxOsc: Shutdown issue: fix here: ofxThread: · stopThread now called when threaded function returns ofxVectorMath: · went back to inlining, for performance · added ofxMatrx4x4 and ofxQuaternion · ofxPoin2/3/4f deprecated merged with ofxVec2/3/4f ofxNetwork: · fixed for xcode needs tcp.h included in ofxUdpManager

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