
Create exact copies of any file stored on your hard drive with the help of this easy to use and lightwe...

Duplica Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL
  • Publisher Name:
  • Ivo Stoykov
  • Operating Systems:
  • Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit
  • File Size:
  • 6 KB

Duplica Tags

Duplica Description

Creating copies of files for backup or other purposes is surely a simple task, since all you have to do is copy the target file and paste it into the desired location. Duplica is a tool that can help you do a bit more than that. It assists you in creating any number of duplicates of a locally stored file, offering you the possibility to customize the name of the generated copies in the process. Unfortunately, the application only runs using the command prompt, which might not please those of you who are used to working with a regular GUI. Nevertheless, its syntax is really simple and all you need is a bit of experience with the console to get the hang of it. Aside from specifying the source file and the destination location, Duplica comes with multiple options that you can configure. It enables you to set the number of duplicates to generate and customize the way copies are named. In order to differentiate copies, each file name can be assigned a time stamp or an incrementing number, starting from a value of your choice. If both these options are specified, the application automatically chooses the latter. By default, this number is placed at the end of the name, but it can also be prepend at the beggining. Also, you can set Duplica to ignore 'zero' values in the renaming process (this means that the file numbering starts at 1, even if you specify 0 as the starting number). Optionally, you can set Duplica to rename the input file during the operation. If the destination folder is different than the source one, the input is moved to the target directory and renamed according to your specifications. To conclude, Duplica can be used for creating an unlimited number of exact copies of a file, featuring settings that allow name customization. While it does not offer a regular GUI, its syntax is simple, which makes it easy to handle by any user. Reviewed by Mihaela Citea, last updated on February 11th, 2014

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